Project Educational Actions in Environmental and Human Health

the importance of social media in times of remote activities


  • Sâmi Edla Ribeiro Grangeiro UNIVASF-Discente
  • Mávani Lima Santos UNIVASF-Estudante
  • Larissa Araújo Rolim UNIVASF-Docente
  • René Geraldo Cordeiro Silva Júnior UNIVASF-Docente


Covid-19, Social distancing, Social networks, Environmental education


The emergence of SARS-COV-2 generated a worldwide impact when it was declared by the WHO as a pandemic. As measures to combat this new virus, stricter hygienic protocols and social isolation were adopted, which led to a restructuring of social relationships by restricting face-to-face teaching in schools and universities, as well as socializing in society. In face of this new social conjuncture, the use of social networks has been intensified, proving to be useful not only for interpersonal interactions, but also for a new approach to teaching and learning. The Educational Actions in Environmental and Human Health Project aimed to display, through its YouTube channel, a series of ludic videos with themes about environmental education and unique health for elementary school students. contact with this audience, changing the project's platform of action to the social network Instagram. While the YouTube channel had few accesses, Instagram was successful in its engagement, with the number of followers on the rise and sharing of publications.




