Ressignificar o cuidado hospitalar na perspectiva da humanização: desvelando uma experiência vivenciada


  • Denise Consuelo Moser
  • Eleine Maestri
  • Keli Marocco
  • Ariane Stieven
  • Tiago Labres


Humanization, Nursing, Care


The discussion on humanization and their actions cover a longstanding discussion. The creation of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) in 2003 brought a light to this issue and many advances in this direction. Unfortunately the service and care provided in health facilities still have a lack of preparation by professionals. Humanization design with extension: resignifying hospital care developed in the philanthropic hospital west of Santa Catarina, with a group of health workers aimed to reflect from the PNH, actions and possible interventions. Methodology: The project was based on the Circle of Culture of Paulo Freire, allowing discussions and exchange of experiences on the guidelines of PNH. Final Thoughts: Despite the constant discussion about the Humanization, few professionals know PNH. It is vital to broaden discussions with professionals working in health services, as well as demystify the misconceptions still exist.





Experience Reports