The Effectuation of Rights to Public Policies for Family Agriculture: Utopia or Reality? A Look at the Nilo Coelho Perimeters, Maria Tereza Area, and Bebedouro


  • Eucilene Rodrigues Pita
  • Licia Regina Gonzaga do Nascimento
  • Telma Coimbra Brandão


Family farm; Public policies; ATER and Irriagated Perimeters Nilo Coelho; Maria Tereza and Bebedouro Areas.


This paper presents a study on public policies directed at farmers and smallholders farms of the Nilo Coelho Irrigation Perimeter, Maria Tereza and Bebedouro areas on the city of Petrolina – PE. The action of the extensionist with this audience seeks to historically synthesize the family agriculture, with a brief contextualization of the irrigated perimeters in focus. It also presents a proposal to highlight the bemefi ts and barriers experienced by these family farmers and their organizations in PNAE – Nacional School Feeding Program and PAA – Food Acquisition Program. At this juncture we will present some propositions that indicate avenues for the implementation of access to public policies.




