Youngness and Publics Politics: Temporariness and identities toward an experience on digital inclusion


  • Giuseppa Maria Daniel Spenillo
  • Vanessa Maria Santiago da Silva
  • Aline de Oliveira Bomfim
  • Eliane Maria Araujo da Silva


Youngness, Temporariness, Identities, Translations, Digital Inclusion


In this article we propose interpretations about the experience of digital inclusion as extension action with youth living in rural areas, the semi-arid of Pernambuco, between 2011 and 2013. The aim was to qualify the digital inclusion policies with new proposed uses of digital communication and information technologies for the exercise of citizenship by local youth. Efforts have been made promoting the role of young people, resizing the inclusion as public policy, and stimulating creative and productive youth permanence in their local. The results answered in part to these goals, since the extension action needs to be better formulated while social inclusion policy. Based on the experience, we develop refl ections on relationships that are built on post-colonial groups [Santos, 2010]. We also analyzed the temporal and the identity dimensions, apparent in digital inclusion public policies and the resulting power fi gurations [Elias, 2000] between funding agencies, academia and rural youth.




