
  • João Aparecido Souto Alves de Medeiros Federal University of the São Francisco Valley
  • Kedma de Magalhães Lima Federal University of the São Francisco Valley
  • Braz José do Nascimento Júnior Federal University of the São Francisco Valley
  • João Alves do Nascimento Júnior Federal University of the São Francisco Valley



Rural Settlements, Extension Practice, Settlement in the São Francisco Valley.


It is necessary to examine rural extension and dynamics as tools for social transformation in rural settlements if we want to deepen reflections and discussions about the agrarian peasantry and the struggle for land. This term talks about the settlements of the São Francisco Valley and how they supported the empowerment of women as a force of resistance and transformation. Furthermore, the objective is to investigate the useful experience of the Água Viva rural settlement in Petrolina, PE. The study will focus on the methods that settlers use to increase their agricultural production, with an emphasis on agroecology and land sustainability. Finally, the objective is to show the community's socioeconomic actions that aim to build a more just and egalitarian society.

Author Biographies

  • João Aparecido Souto Alves de Medeiros, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

    Graduated in Agricultural Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (2005), he currently carries out various Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) activities in the Sertão do São Francisco and Araripe areas. Its work focuses mainly on topics such as adaptation to the semi-arid region, economic and social viability of farmers in these regions, in addition to offering courses related to the semi-arid climate. He is currently studying a Master's degree at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco.

  • Kedma de Magalhães Lima, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

    Leader of the RESEARCH GROUP IN INFECTOCONTAGIOUS PROCESSES AND INTENSIVE CARE (GPPICI - UNIVASF). INEP/MEC evaluator. Graduated in Biomedicine from the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. Specialist in Microbiology, Master's and PhD in Tropical Medicine (UFPE), both in the area of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, complemented by a Post-Doctorate in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Spain. She has an MBA in Health Management. Internal Quality Auditor (ISO 9001). At the beginning of her academic life, she worked with alterations in the immune system due to aggression and previous malnutrition in rats, combining this with activities in the Medical Mycology sector in reference Clinical Analysis laboratories in Recife, PE; a fact that contributed to the development of research projects and articles in the area of anthropophilic and zoophilic fungi. Later, she worked as a Bacteriologist in hospital laboratories, consolidating the integration and development of projects that became a line of research in the areas of Microbiology, Parasitology, Immunology and Genetics. She has worked with onychomycosis in HIV, schistosomiasis, bacteremia caused by components of the intestinal microbiota and splenectomy.

  • Braz José do Nascimento Júnior , Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

    Leader of the RESEARCH GROUP IN INFECTOCONTAGIOUS PROCESSES AND INTENSIVE CARE (GPPICI - UNIVASF). INEP/MEC evaluator. Graduated in Biomedicine from the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. Specialist in Microbiology, Master's and PhD in Tropical Medicine (UFPE), both in the area of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, complemented by a Post-Doctorate in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Spain. She has an MBA in Health Management. Internal Quality Auditor (ISO 9001). At the beginning of her academic life, she worked with alterations in the immune system due to aggression and previous malnutrition in rats, combining this with activities in the Medical Mycology sector in reference Clinical Analysis laboratories in Recife, PE; a fact that contributed to the development of research projects and articles in the area of anthropophilic and zoophilic fungi. Later, she worked as a Bacteriologist in hospital laboratories, consolidating the integration and development of projects that became a line of research in the areas of Microbiology, Parasitology, Immunology and Genetics. She has worked with onychomycosis in HIV, schistosomiasis, bacteremia caused by components of the intestinal microbiota and splenectomy.

  • João Alves do Nascimento Júnior, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

    He has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from UFRPE, a sanitary degree from NESC-PE/FIOCruz, with a specialization in Sanitary Surveillance, also from NESC-PE/FIOCruz, a Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine, in the area of Sanitary Surveillance, from UNESP (Botucatu-SP) (2001) and a PhD in Psychology, in the area of Social Psychology and Health, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo/UFES. He worked for 16 years at the Recife Municipal Health Department, in the areas of Health Surveillance and Environmental Surveillance. He is currently Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley - UNIVASF, Petrolina/PE, teaching the following subjects: Veterinary Epidemiology; Veterinary Public Health; and Biosecurity and Animal Health Defense. He is on the teaching staff of the Postgraduate Program in Rural Extension - PPGEX at UNIVASF. He has been a member of the National Health Council since September 2022, representing the CFMV. He has been a member of the Coordination of the Forum of National Entities of Health Workers - FENTAS/CNS since March 2023. And Deputy Coordinator of the Intersectoral Health Surveillance Commission - CIVS/ CNS. He was an Effective Councillor of the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine - CFMV in the 2017/2020 triennium, and is currently a Full Councillor of the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of Pernambuco-CRMVPE Management 2023/2026.






Experience Reports