History and Diffi culties in the Foundation and Consolidation of Organizational Forms in the Nilo Coelho Irrigated Perimeters - Petrolina, PE


  • Danilo de Medeiro Nunes
  • Elicio Nunes dos Santos
  • José Reginaldo Maia
  • Maurício Sávio Brandão Teixeira


Association; Cooperative; Technical assistance.


The process of formation of the associations of irrigated areas of the Projeto Senador Nilo Coelho was conducted by CODEVASF to a shared administration with the producers. On site was tested the proposal of creation of a cooperative, then changed to associations then, fi nally, to an irrigated district model, format that has being adopted until today. The events that led to this current model of social construction will be studied through the use of the dialectical method based on historical materialism, combined with data documented in academic papers. Ignorance of the regional situation  nd the lack of dialogue were the reasons why ATER (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) teams were unsuccessful in the initial period of creation of these new organizational formats. These ideas were new and, therefore, required more discussion to reach understanding. This indicates that it is necessary to know the reality of people to target the planned actions.




