Agroecological Caravan of the Baiano Semi-Arid: an account of the historical and contemporary context of the waterways of São Francisco River


  • Ruben Siqueira


Agroecology, Traditional Communities, Rural Development


This experience report presents the historical and environmental context contemporary Sertão of the São Francisco Baiano in activity developed during the “Agroecological Caravan of the Semi-Arid Baiano”. This activity occurred on June 26, 2017, during a meeting of participants preparation for the caravan. In this, the reality of the Bahian semi-arid region was evidenced, highlighting the sociohistorical aspects experienced by traditional communities, fishermen’s associations and other rural workers in this territory. In addition, it was also pointed out the socio-environmental impacts of the proposed development and economic activities historically constituted in this region that led to the pollution of the “Velho Chico” waters and environmental degradation. The experiences of popular resistance of the communities point to the need to socialize the ads, denunciations and conflicts, as well as the exchange and exchange of agroecological experiences as alternatives to the devastating development that took place in the Sertão Baiano.




