Participatory methodologies for use in the construction of knowledge in the agroecological community of Zanzuê county - SE


  • Francielle Rodrigues Santos
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Mário Jorge Campos dos Santos


Agroecology; Family farms; Sustainable development.


The objective of the study was to conduct a socio-economic diagnosis of family farming in the rural community zone of Zanguê county, located in the of city Itabaiana - SE. The diagnosis was conducted from the application of a semi-structured questionnaire with 20 families representing the community interviews. The topics covered were: social profi le, education, agricultural and livestock production. The results indicate that farmers grow subsistence agriculture such as cassava, maize, onions, tomatoes and beans, native chickens and creating mainly for family consumption. It was concluded that the application of this type of methodology (DRP), proved effective in the identifi cation and characterization of potential and needs of rural farmers in order to improve the agroecological planning practiced in the community.




