Variation in pH and Temperature in Plate and Polyethylene Cisterns in Rural Communities in the Municipality of Petrolina, PE


  • Marcos Vinícios Vidreira de Santana
  • Omair Dantas
  • Pedro Henrique
  • Emanoel Freitas Amarante


Cisterns; Semiarid; Water quality.


Water is an indispensable resource for the survival of all living things. This study examines the pH and temperature variation in plate and polyethylene cisterns in rural communities in the municipality of Petrolina, PE. The collection was realized in four properties located in Assentamento Mandacaru and Sitio Porteira in the municipality of Petrolina. The collection was realized in two cisterns made of concrete plates and two polyethylene cisterns. The water in the concrete plate cisterns came from the canal and the water in the polyethylene cisterns came from the collection of rainwater and temperature and pH analyses were carried out. According to the potability standards established by Brazilian legislation (Decree no. 2914/2011, Ministry of Health), the pH of water for human consumption should be between 6,0 and 9,5. In this study, it was verifi ed that the pH values are between 8,19 and 9,0. The water temperature was measured in order to determine which type of cistern has a higher internal temperature. In the polyethylene cistern, the water temperature was 33ºC at 10:15am and 35ºC at 10:25am at Assentamento Mandacaru. In the concrete plate cistern, the temperature was 31,5ºC at 10:45am and 29,5ºC at 10:55am at Sitio Porteiras. In conclusion, all of the tested cisterns meet the water quality standards.




