Municipal Council of Rural Development of Sobradinho, BA


  • Marcelo Henrique Pereira dos Santos
  • Guilherme Ernesto de Andrade Neto


Taking as object of analysis the Council of Rural Municipal Development Sobradinho-BA, this article aims to discuss and review progress and investigated contradictions in such institutional forum for debate in the light of theoretical contributions of authors who have dedicated themselves to the subject of study. The boards are characterized by the literature as plural spaces able to include in the political arena social actors historically excluded. Among these actors are the small family farmer, who in rural development councils should have a say. However, if the councils are considered advancements that consolidate a democratic culture, are also spaces of contradiction and debate. In this perspective, the study about the Council in Sobradinho both affi rmed the importance of creating a local instance, which enabled the debate between social actors that did not dialogued, as the need for greater participation by small family farmers.




