Contextualized Teaching within the Semi-arid Climate in Curaçá, BA: Reevaluation of the Political-Pedagogical Proposal for Municipal Schools


  • Eliane Maria da Conceição do Espírito Santo


Educating; Proposal; Society; Teaching; Cycles.


This Article reexamines the political pedagogical proposal of the municipality of Curaçá-BA "Education with his foot the backcountry," the title already brings us to the regional context with its biodiversity, hence the importance of building a political pedagogical proposal municipal acting pedagogically with cultural sensitivity to environmental preservation, with the proper management of natural resources, using social technologies that seek new ways of living together. The proposed educational model includes the areas of knowledge through cycles and brings a teaching proposal directed to the context of the student, since curricula are universalized throughout the country, permeating a colonizing system of certain areas over other regions. The educational policy of the municipality of Curaçá proposal se-eks an approximation of individuals with their local context, once they learn cultures and knowledge from other regions and mostly unaware of the local culture. This rereading offers refl ection about the context of this proposal, encouraging the positive points of this teaching model that an appreciation of local culture, experience the backcountry man, the historical context for the individuals included in educational spaces themselves recognize.




