
  • Fabielle Rocha Cruz Universidade Federal do Paraná

Palabras clave:

Interdisciplinarity, Language learning, Sociocultural approach, Digital games, Stardew Valley


As the digital world has constantly been a part of the reality of so many children, finding a way to use it in favor of school and the learning process is a common goal. This article aims to present a perspective in the sociocultural approach according to Vygotsky and the possibilities of using the digital game Stardew Valley in a language lesson, to present context, meaning and word choice related to any possible subject, for example, through its interaction mechanics and using the second language as the means to do so. After the literature review, which introduces to the views related to the use of games and the sociocultural approach, the author presents the methods and a corpus analysis regarding sentences that are part of the game and can be used to focus on understanding language use. The analysis suggests the game proposed could be a valuable asset for the language learning class, as long as teachers use it as an extension of their classes, creating a critical reflection on the gameplay, as well as working alongside other teachers and subjects from the core curriculum.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fabielle Rocha Cruz, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Graduada em Letras Português e Inglês pela PUC-PR, onde foi bolsista do Programa de Iniciação Científica da instituição e pesquisou o uso de video-games na aquisição de segunda língua. Em 2018, concluiu a pós-graduação em Educação Bilíngue, onde pesquisou sobre Letramento Digital e video-games em contextos interdisciplinares. No período de 2018 à 2019, foi bolsista do Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos e atuou como professora assistente de língua portuguesa na University of Notre Dame. Atualmente, é mestranda em educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná.



Cómo citar

Rocha Cruz, F. (2020). A SOCIOCULTURAL APPROACH TO LANGUAGE LEARNING AND INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN STARDEW VALLEY. Revista De Educação Da Universidade Federal Do Vale Do São Francisco, 10(22), 354–373. Recuperado a partir de https://periodicos.univasf.edu.br/index.php/revasf/article/view/1218



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