Rescue report technical writing: results of the extension course for volunteer road rescue staff


  • Renata dos Santos
  • Maria Elizabete Villela Santiago


Extension Activity, Improvement, Technical Writing, Rescue Report, Sevor


The central function of the interaction process is communication, which is essentially materialized through language action. This communicative interaction occurs from the interactants’ social place and purpose of the interaction. For this process to succeed, it is necessary that the speech genre be appropriate and the cointeractants know each other to produce the expected response. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the procedures and results of an extension project developed for Voluntary Road Rescue Staff of João Monlevade city (Sevor) in Minas Gerais state. The proposal was developed through a 20-hour course from October 10th to December 6th, 2011. The purpose of the course was to introduce subsidies for Sevor volunteers to properly fill the Rescue Reports used daily to describe information about incidents with and without fatality. Monitoring of the practical activities and assessments developed throughout the course indicated an improvement of writing.




